Monday, February 18, 2013

12. Marriage

According to Mormons, Marriage for eternity in a LDS temple is an essential step toward exaltation as a “god” like Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother with the hope of populating planets like our earth.

Marriage doctrine according to the Mormons -
The Bible teaches that Satan fell out of favor with God because he wanted to be “like” God and he offered this lie to Eve in the Garden she believed him.

At death, the marriage bond (or contract to remain married) ceases - Isaiah 14:12-14; Genesis 3:4-5; Matthew 22:28-30; Luke 20:34-36 1Corinthians 7:39

Mormons also believe in a celestial marriage saying Matthew 18:18 shows that the apostles had the power to bind in heaven whatsoever they bound on earth of where and all that chapter does it refer to marriage? How can falls words he explained that in 1Corinthians 7:39 which says that death abolished the marriage bond? The last four words are emphatically stating that a person may then remarry only in the Lord for only to someone in the faith for the truth. It says nothing about continuing the marriage of Heaven. It factually suggests remarrying here on earth someone else if that is the persons choice.

Compared to a similar thought at Romans 7:2 Mormons also believe that the spirit of man not only never dies but that it lives through stages of eternal progression that condemnation or damning is but a retardation of the progress, that man may ultimately become through advancement of stages, is intelligent and omnipotent as God himself. Considering that thought, compare Genesis 3:4-5 where it says: At this the serpent said to the woman: “YOU positively will not die. 5 For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and YOU are bound to be like God, KNOWING good and bad.” Also compare Ezekiel 18:4 where it says that the soul that is sinning will die. Psalms 146:4 says that at death, man's thoughts perish. Psalms 6:5 says that in death there is no remembrance. Also Genesis 2:17 shows complete death not retarded progression as the punishment for sin.

It is my understanding from discussions with Mormons, they feel that all of these Scriptures discuss only what is to happen with the body as if there is a separation from body and spirit. I feel the Scriptures make it plain that there is no separation between the body, the spirit or the soul. Without the body there is no spirit. The body and the soul are one.

Joseph Smith once said, "some revelations are of God, some revelations are of man, some revelations are of the devil" he also talked that there are many gods that each one is polygamists, has procreative powers like man and brings forth sons and daughters and that men may become gods. Notice Journal of discourses volume 4:comp 283. "And you have got to learn how to become gods yourself, the same as all gods have done before you." Also take note of "The Sheer" volume 1 apostle Orson Pratt states, "in heaven where our spirits were born, there are many gods, each of whom has his own wife, or wives which were given to him previous to his redemption while yet in his mortal state." Also for further confirmation of this Mormon teaching compare the following - Journal of discourses col VI, The Seer 1:37. My comment is that only the devil ever promised man that he could be like God Genesis 3:1-5.

Mormonism teaches plural messages of polygamy among men and gods. Apparently Mormons claim that such is a means of grace and that any Bible testimony contrary thereto is a mistranslation. Let's start with the heavens first, "the gods who dwell in the heavens from which our spirits came, are beings who have been redeemed from the grave, with their wives, will be supremely happy. All enduring ties of conjugal love which existed in their bosoms when terrestrial and fallen beings are now greatly increased and perfected." This statement confirmed from the apostle Pratt, The Seer volume 1, 11, page 23 and volume 3 page 27 comparing this teaching to Matthew 22:23-33, it would appear to be in conflict. Taking verse 30 for example, "for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage but are as the angels in heaven." Wouldn't this scripture indicate that the Angels in heaven do not marry?

In the book doctrine and covenants, section 132 is found the vision of Joseph Smith commanding polygamy. Bishop RC Evans, I understand was holding at one time a high position if not the highest position in the Mormon church stated in his book "40 years in the Mormon church" page 46 the following concerning Smith's polygamy vision, it contains 66 paragraphs on concubinage and states that a man is not guilty of adultery even if he has 10 wives or women at one time and let the reader remember that in Revelation 7 times over damnation is promised to those who refuse to enter into polygamy and that the highest glory is only by the practice of polygamy. Although the Mormons have discontinued this practice is still claim that polygamy seen in this vision and recorded in the doctrine and covenants inspired from God. I don't know where in the book of Revelation Mr. Evans is referring, but this does raise an interesting question, "does this mean that seven times over damnation will be promised to all Mormons who now refused to practice polygamy?" What changed? My question did this term seven times over damnation come from? My understanding is that the leaders of God's people should be husbands of one wife is discussed in the Bible at 1Timothy 3:2, 12. Parallel the thought then with 1Corinthians 7:2 and we should be able to conclude that Jehovah God permits only one marriage made and not the polygamist arrangement Mormons claim is not only permissible by God but commanded by God lest you should suffer seven times over damnation.

We have good reason to think seriously about our standing with God. Why? Because evidence proves that God will soon destroy the wicked and establishes righteous new system. In the Bible it emphasizes the importance of relying on His (God's) understanding. Each one of us should ask yourself, "am I worshiping God in the way he approves?" When we examine what the Bible says on this matter what do we find? Does it teach that hundreds of millions of persons who practice religion in so many different ways are all pleasing to God? Does it show that all religion is good? In my Bible and Matthew 7:13-14, it says "broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction and many are the ones going in through it, whereas narrow is the gate and cramp the road leading off into life if you are the ones finding it." Notice how God condemns the people whose religions are based on the teachings of men. Compare Matthew 15:9. The Bible tells us that those rewarded with life must be doing the will of Jesus's father, Matthew 7:21-23. What is the will of the father?

When I showed this discussions to a Mormon elder showing the Scriptures verse by verse compared to his book of Mormon the statements were in direct conflict he finally had to admit that their teachings are from the book of Mormon and that they hardly use the Bible except to show how to overcome the statements to support Mormon teachings.

As with all my research, it is ongoing and always under construction. So whatever you may be reading, there's a good chance it will change by the time you read it a second time. As I learn more about the Mormon teaching, I will post it and revise what I have written.

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