Sunday, February 17, 2013

3. The Mormons, Nationalism & Politics

I have always believed that it is an unfair assessment of the situation to dig into the archives of the group passed and say that this is what they believed today, unless today they remain active in the same activity.

This is what I have discovered about the Mormons activity and governments around the world. Joseph Smith, the prophet, seer, rebel leader, according to Mormon belief was also a mayor, treasurer, Lieut. Gen. and US presidential candidate. Following his lead many Mormons are energetic political activists. The church is proud of its American Heritage and asserts that God directed the writing of the U.S. Constitution. Brigham Young said, "when … The kingdom of God will bear rule, the flag of the United States will probably flutter unsullied on the Flagstaff liberty and equal rights, without a spot." Article 12 of the articles of faith states: "we believe in being subject to Kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law." How far does this objection go? When United States entered World War I, Elder Stefan L Richards affirmed: "there is no more loyal people to the government of the United States and the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints." Another elder was quoted as saying, "When we fight we will conquer by the power of God." Article 12 applied on the other side of the battlefield as well. Prof. Christine E King of Staffordshire University wrote, "German Mormons were encouraged to bear arms for their country and to pray for her victory." The church said they were fighting not British and American Mormon brethren, but government representatives. Such a distinction, although transparent, served to salve the moral and religious doubts of German Mormons. When Hitler seized power, the Mormon policy of wholehearted support continued. "The Nazis met no resistance or evidence of criticism from the Mormon church," wrote Dr. King. Mormon stress on racial purity and patriotism serve the church well and too many Mormons, the links between their faith in the politics of the Third Reich were clear. When several Mormons declared to defy Hitler, they receive no backing from the Mormon officials in Germany. The church is patriotic and loyal and decried any attack on the Nazi government. The church even excommunicated one dissident (a person deemed to be a deserter of one's faith) after the Nazis had executed him. My research showed this man's name to be Helmut Hubener. Then later I read that he had been reinstated in 1948. I read in the book of Mormon at Alma 26:32 that "they would rather sacrifice their lives and even to take the life of their enemy; and they have buried their weapons of war deep in the earth, because of their love toward their brethren." In my commentary, Jesus reason with Pilate: "if my kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews" John 18:36. His disciples were not take up arms in defense of God's own son, let alone in war between governments. There were even to love their enemies Matthew 5:44, 2 Corinthians 10:3-4. It would seem that even the Mormons should believe these scriptures and all other teachings found in the Bible. Brigham Young made the statement in Journal of discourses volume 13 page 236: "we take this book, the Bible, for I guide, for our rule of action; we take is the foundation of our faith. It points the way to salvation." Then from the publication discourses of Brigham Young stated "pick up the Bible, compare the religion of the Latter Day Saints with it, and see if it will stand the test."

As with all my research, it is ongoing and always under construction. So whatever you may be reading, there's a good chance it will change by the time you read it a second time. As I learn more about the Mormon teaching, I will post it and revise what I have written.

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